There are so many imagined lives. Characters with dreams and worries, dark beings with fears and desires, ethereal presences lost in the woods or stories that decide to come to life. All these stories and more, are inside my head wanting to come out, waiting for their moment. Here we have found our place.

A story different from anything I had written so far. With a protagonist who sees how her life changes without being able to do anything to avoid it. A mid-year transfer that will take her to a new city and a different high school where, despite her attempts to go unnoticed, she will discover friendship and learn to trust again.

When I started this novel I knew how it was going to end, something that doesn't often happen to me, but in the case of Alicia and Leo, it seemed that I just had to let myself be guided by the story they had already constructed and to which I could only be a witness.

Soft cover with flaps.

387 pages.

Dimensions: 15,24 x 2,46 x 22,86 cm

Price 15€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

A notebook in which you can write, draw and let your mind find a corner in which to let go.

Soft cover.

154 pages.

Dimensions: 15,24 x 0,89 x 22,86 cm

White interior with side and top illustrations.

Price 6,50€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

I started this story in a very different way, sharing it with my followers and friends, and I really enjoyed discovering, almost at the same time as them, where Liz's story was going, the depth of characters who seemed secondary and who suddenly knew more than I had imagined and the direction they were beginning to take without asking me for permission. So much so, that she herself decided that what was to be a short story written in chapters should become a full novel.

It's exciting when you can finally see your effort on paper, when they send you pictures of your novel on a kindle about to start reading. It made me very happy to see that finally, Liz and Evangelina could share their story, their search, their memories.

Will you accompany Evangelina and try to save her memories while deciphering the drawings on her skin?

Soft cover.

259 pages.

Dimensions: 15,24 x 1,60 x 22,86 cm

Interior layout with images and illustrations.

Price 18€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

«A novel full of darkness». That's the first thing I think of when I'm asked to define what kind of novel The Punishment is. It began many years ago and remained hidden in a couple of lines, on a lost sheet of paper, in a folder. Until one day its protagonists couldn't wait any longer and forced me to take out an almost impossible time to write their story.

Soft cover.

150 pages.

Dimensions: 15,24 x 0,97 x 22,86 cm

Price 9,50€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

When I wrote the word end and closed the last page of El Castigo, I knew that this was not the end of Kalad and Maied's story, I owed them more, there was still much to tell. In this second installment you will learn about the past of its protagonists and will help you understand their actions and feelings.

I am currently working on the third and final installment of the saga, and its darkness cannot be hidden much longer.

Soft cover.

230 pages.

Dimensions: 15,24 x 1,47 x 22,86 cm

Price 13€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

A new and different writing experience. Full of emotions and learning. What at first seemed an impossible madness to carry out, took shape over time to become the first installment of a saga full of characters and fantastic elements.

A fantasy story written by seven authors, with seven different protagonists united by a unique mission. Alliances, conflicts, loyalty... a magical world that will need the power of some chosen ones who will be forced to cross a cursed forest to reach a destination they hardly know anything about.

Soft cover.

351 pages.

Dimensions: 13,97 x 2,24 x 21,59 cm

Interior layout with images.

Price 19€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

Series of horror stories written by several authors. You will be able to find very different stories, although all of them with a common link; different types of terror.

Do you think you can handle them?

Soft cover.

160 pages.

Dimensions: 13,97 x 0,94 x 21,59 cm

Price 9€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

Different ways of seeing and feeling Christmas. A series of stories, written by several authors, that intertwine the Christmas spirit with disturbing stories, some of them terrifying.

Find out which one is your favorite without waiting for Christmas.

Soft cover.

223 pages.

Dimensions: 13,97 x 0,94 x 21,59 cm

Price 11€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

Are you passionate about suspense and intrigued by unexplained mysteries?

Get ready for an electrifying ride with twelve thriller stories that explore a wide range of genres: from police suspense to science fiction, fantasy, cozy mystery and gore.

Each story will keep you on the edge of your seat, with unsolved puzzles and murders as bizarre as they are chilling.

Do you dare to unravel these dark secrets?

Soft cover.

206 pages.

Dimensions: 13,97 x 1,32 x 21,59 cm

Price 16€ VAT included. (Spanish version)

The first of my novels. The beginning of a saga that I have always had very clear, from beginning to end. This does not mean that while I work on the following books that continue the story, its characters have lost their will. Every time I start writing I am surprised with something I didn't know, with a piece of the story that was hidden from me. I am currently revising it and making some changes that I think it needs. Soon you will be able to find it again for sale.

In this first book, Carla arrives in a small town of which she barely had any childhood memories. She seeks tranquility, to be able to think and clarify some ideas and feelings that she does not recognize as her own. When she meets Izan, she will forget her plans and will be immersed in a story in which she is already the protagonist.

Join her on this first journey in which you will have to ask yourself what would happen if love forced you to be born again.

Soft cover.

434 pages.

Dimensions: 15,24 x 2,49 x 22,86 cm