Here you will find the answer to the most common questions, if not, just write me through the contact form and I will contact you as soon as possible.

-I want a signed book or print, what do I have to do?

No problem at all. Just contact me through the contact form and tell me what you need.

-Can I buy more than one unit of your products?

Of course, as long as it is not an original work, as in the case of some illustrations. The only thing you have to do is add to the cart what you want to buy and, once there, add the units you want.

-If I am not satisfied with the product I have purchased, can I return it?

Yes, as long as it is made within 14 days of delivery. I recommend that you read carefully the Terms and Conditions page where you have all the information about it.

-How long will I have to wait to receive my product?

As long as it is not a personalized illustration, the usual delivery time is between two and four working days. If you need a faster delivery time, please contact me through the contact form and we will find the most convenient delivery time for you.

About illustration

- How much will my illustration cost?

This will depend on the type of illustration you want. In the case of the prints you will see the price marked when you go to purchase them. Whether they are personalized illustrations from the My Wind collection or personalized portraits, it will depend on the size you choose and what it is composed of. An illustration in DIN A size with a single person is not the same as one in DIN A3 size with several people or background. To make it easier for you to get an idea, on the illustrations page, I have left several examples of different sizes and motifs.

Of course, if you prefer, you can write me and consult me without any problem.

- Once I have decided, what do I have to do?

Once you have made the decision to have your own personalized illustration or portrait, I will need the image or photograph you want me to base it on. After receiving it, in less than 24 hours I will send you a detailed budget and when you accept it and make the first payment, I will start working on it so you can have it with you as soon as possible.

- How do I have to make the payment?

You have two options. You can make your full payment when you accept the quote or split it in two; one half at the beginning and the rest when it is finished. This is your choice.

Of course, the two-part payment is only valid for portraits and personalized illustrations, for all other products (prints, books, bags, etc.) it must be made at the time of purchase.

- Will I get a discount if I want more than one illustration or portrait?

Yes, if you need or want more than one illustration or portrait, I will give you a 10% discount.

In any case, if you place a new order with me, no matter how much time has passed since the first one, you will get a 5% discount.

- How long will it take to get my artwork home?

I wish I could give you a closed answer, but it's not going to be possible. The time it takes from the moment I receive the first payment and start with your illustration until it arrives at your home will depend on several factors: the volume of work I have at the moment you place the order, the urgency you have, the difficulty and size of the illustration and of course, the time estimated by the transport company. Although it is very possible that within three weeks after I start with your illustration you will be able to enjoy it, I recommend you to be proactive and, in case it is a gift, order it with enough time.

I have seen that digital illustrations are priced similarly to paper illustrations, what is the reason?

There are several reasons for both illustrations to have similar prices despite the fact that in the digital one the format is not tangible. If what suits you best is a digital illustration, either because you live in a country other than Spain and the shipping costs are higher than you expect or because of personal preferences, the time I will spend to make your illustration will be the same and, in addition, you can print as many copies as you want once you receive it.

- Will I be able to see the progress you make on my illustration?

Of course I will. I'll let you know as soon as I start on your illustration and I'll send you pictures as I go along. If you want it to be a surprise all the way through you'll have to let me know when you place the order.