Amaya y sus historias

Who I am

Amaya Alvarez

I was born in Galdakao (Bizkaia) in September 1978. I have done many things since then. Some I can barely remember, others were marked with fire inside me and the rest choose to remain on the surface or hidden in the depths. Moments like the birth of my children are too important to fall into any one category. All of them have been building me up piece by piece, so I guess I am slowly becoming complete.

Trying to describe myself in one sentence seems more than difficult, simply impossible. What could I say? Illustrator and writer. Yes, of course, but that, we will agree, is like saying nothing. Because you already know, otherwise this website would be meaningless. Let's take it one step at a time:

To say that I love writing would not be correct or at least, it would be strange. Like saying I love my hand or the way I breathe, because writing is as much a part of me as every part of my body or the way I am.

I love the sound of the pen flying across the paper and then spending time trying to decipher what I've written too quickly.

Illustrate? It's impossible to imagine an Amaya who doesn't do it. It is something natural, that relaxes and comforts me, that makes me smile and sustains me. Knowing and being able to draw seems to me a gift through which I never stop growing and learning about feelings and life.

I think I have a biography of reasonable length, don't you think? Of course I could say much more. For example, that I am the mother of three fabulous children who are, since I became aware of their existence, the center of my life. That not everything has been easy to get to this time and place, it is still not, but I prefer to keep the good, with what has brought me here, but without forgetting the other part, the saddest and most difficult, to which I also owe a lot; it is responsible for me to be the woman I am.

Amaya Alvarez

I was born in Galdakao (Bizkaia) in September 1978. I have done many things since then. Some I can barely remember, others were marked with fire inside me and the rest choose to remain on the surface or hidden in the depths. Moments like the birth of my children are too important to fall into any one category. All of them have been building me up piece by piece, so I guess I am slowly becoming complete.

Trying to describe myself in one sentence seems more than difficult, simply impossible. What could I say? Illustrator and writer. Yes, of course, but that, we will agree, is like saying nothing. Because you already know, otherwise this website would be meaningless. Let's take it one step at a time:

To say that I love writing would not be correct or at least, it would be strange. Like saying I love my hand or the way I breathe, because writing is as much a part of me as every part of my body or the way I am.

I love the sound of the pen flying across the paper and then spending time trying to decipher what I've written too quickly.

Illustrate? It's impossible to imagine an Amaya who doesn't do it. It is something natural, that relaxes and comforts me, that makes me smile and sustains me. Knowing and being able to draw seems to me a gift through which I never stop growing and learning about feelings and life.

I think I have a biography of reasonable length, don't you think? Of course I could say much more. For example, that I am the mother of three fabulous children who are, since I became aware of their existence, the center of my life. That not everything has been easy to get to this time and place, it is still not, but I prefer to keep the good, with what has brought me here, but without forgetting the other part, the saddest and most difficult, to which I also owe a lot; it is responsible for me to be the woman I am.

Funded through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Administration of the Principado of Asturias